Our Story
The Dream of a Baby that Sleeps well
In 2012 we had our dream baby – Emma. We hoped that we would have a baby that sleeps well– who doesn’t? But from the beginning, Emma was a baby who cried a little louder and a little longer than others. Colicky, fussy, restless, unsettled, highly sensitive? We were worried – and we were exhausted.
Our baby was waking up every hour at night. We were out running with the stroller during the day to try to keep her sleeping longer than 20 min. In the evenings it took 1-2hours to get her to sleep… Emma was gruelling and beautiful at the same time – and she was tired and fussy.
In search of knowledge
In desperation I researched all available literature about babies and sleep, and looked at baby sleep-aid products from all over the world. We tried all possible means: weighted blankets, sling cradles, bouncing on pilates balls, meditative music, reflexology, chiropractor, deep pressure massage, brushing techniques to calm her sensitive system, blow dryer that ran all night, scores of bottles of milk through the night, cranberry juice, magnesium baths, all types of pacifiers, teddy bears, ear doctors, paediatricians and all popular educational disciplines that should help babies to fall asleep…The one product, which helped the most was a weighted blanket. But weighted blankets easily get too warm and they are very easy to kick off during the night. So…
From chaos to a good idea
Our endeavours had given me an idea. I would combine the obvious advantages of a sleeping bag with the documented calming effect of deep pressure on the body. The idea of a weighted sleeping bag came to life. Our Babydeepsleep® products are our contribution to a better world. Good sleep is the beginning of everything good in all people.