Getting a good night's sleep is a luxury that becomes a distant memory once your baby arrives. Just when you think you've figured out a routine that works for your little one, they suddenly start waking up multiple times during the night, leaving you feeling exhausted. This is a common phenomenon known as sleep regression, and the 8-month sleep regression is a particularly challenging one for both babies and parents.

In this article, we will discuss what the 8-month sleep regression is, why it happens, and how to survive it. We'll also look at some common mistakes to avoid during this period and offer tips for coping with the 8-month sleep regression as a parent.

What is Sleep Regression?

Sleep regression is a period when a baby's sleeping patterns change, often resulting in frequent night waking, short naps, and difficulty falling asleep. It can happen at any age, but it is more common during the first year of a baby's life. During a sleep regression, your baby may seem to have forgotten how to sleep, and this can be frustrating for both you and your baby. However, it is a natural part of your baby's development, and it will pass.

When Does the 8 Month Sleep Regression Occur?

The 8-month sleep regression occurs around 8 months of age, although it can happen a few weeks earlier or later. This is a common time for sleep regression because babies are going through a lot of developmental changes at this age, such as learning to crawl, sitting up, and babbling. These changes can affect their sleep, making it difficult for them to settle down at night and nap during the day.

Why Does the 8 Month Sleep Regression Occur?

The 8-month sleep regression occurs because your baby's brain is going through a lot of changes at this age. Your baby is becoming more mobile, which means they are learning new skills, such as crawling and sitting up. They are also developing their language skills and becoming more social. All of these changes can be exciting, but they can also be exhausting for your baby, which can result in disrupted sleep.

Signs of the 8 Month Sleep Regression

The signs of the 8-month sleep regression are similar to those of other sleep regressions. If your baby is experiencing the 8-month sleep regression, you may notice the following signs:

  • Increased night waking
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Refusal to nap during the day
  • Fussiness and irritability
  • Increased clinginess
  • Changes in appetite

Baby Sleep Cycle Length

Understanding your baby's sleep cycle is essential to understanding the 8-month sleep regression. The baby sleep cycle is different from the adult sleep cycle, and it is made up of two stages: active sleep and quiet sleep. The length of the baby's sleep cycle varies depending on the age of the baby. For an 8-month-old baby, the sleep cycle is typically around 45 minutes to an hour.

How to Survive the 8 Month Sleep Regression

The 8-month sleep regression can be a challenging time, but there are things you can do to survive it. Here are some tips:

  • Stick to a consistent routine
  • Ensure your baby is getting enough sleep
  • Create a calm environment
  • Try sleep training techniques
  • Be patient and persistent

Say Goodbye to the 8-Month Sleep Regression

Help your baby find comfort and rest through this challenging phase.

Support Your Baby's Sleep Journey

Common Mistakes to Avoid During the 8 Month Sleep Regression

It's easy to feel overwhelmed during the 8 month sleep regression, and as a result, parents may unintentionally make mistakes that can exacerbate the situation. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Overfeeding: Avoid overfeeding your baby to make them sleep longer. This can lead to health problems and does not address the underlying issue of disrupted sleep.
  • Giving Up Too Soon: It can be tempting to give up and resort to old habits, but be persistent and patient. Your baby is going through a developmental stage, and with time, they will learn to sleep again.
  • Resorting to Crying It Out: Crying it out is not recommended during the 8-month sleep regression. Your baby needs comfort and reassurance during this time, and letting them cry it out can be harmful to their emotional development.
  • Changing the sleep routine too drastically: While it may be tempting to make significant changes to your baby's sleep routine in an attempt to solve the problem, this can often backfire. It's essential to make gradual changes to your baby's sleep routine to avoid disrupting their sleep patterns even further.
  • Skipping naps: It may sound good to keep your baby awake during the day in an attempt to tire them out for better sleep at night. However, skipping naps can actually make your baby more irritable and less likely to sleep well at night.
  • Overstimulating your baby: While it's essential to engage your baby during the day, overstimulation can lead to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep at night. Make sure to give your baby plenty of downtime before bedtime to help them wind down.

Coping with the 8 Month Sleep Regression as a Parent

It's essential to remember that this 8 month sleep regression phase is temporary and will pass. Here are some tips to help you survive this phase:

  • Practice self-care 
  • Be patient and consistent
  • Communicate with your partner
  • Seek support


The 8-month sleep regression can be a challenging time for both babies and parents. Understanding the baby sleep cycle, sticking to a consistent routine, offering comfort and reassurance, and avoiding common mistakes can all help you survive this developmental stage. Remember to take care of yourself and seek support if needed, and stay positive knowing that this too shall pass.


What is the 8-month sleep regression?

The 8-month sleep regression is a developmental stage where babies may experience disrupted sleep and wake up during the night more often.

Is the 8-month sleep regression normal?

Yes, the 8-month sleep regression is a normal developmental stage that many babies go through.

What can I do to help my baby sleep during the 8-month sleep regression?

Stick to a consistent sleep routine, give your baby plenty of downtime before bedtime, and avoid overstimulation.

When should I seek medical advice if my baby's sleep problems persist?

If your baby's sleep problems persist beyond the 6-week mark or are affecting their overall health and well-being, it's essential to seek medical advice.

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