  • ★★★★★
    Eindelijk iets dat WERKT! Ik ben betrokken geweest bij het testen van prototypes van de BABYDEEPSLEEP slaapzakken. Milas heeft enorm veel moeite om in slaap te vallen zonder op de arm te liggen of heel dicht tegen me aan te liggen. In de loop van de nacht wordt hij vaak wakker. De eerste dagen met de slaapzak zagen we weinig effect, maar na 2-3 weken was Milas eraan gewend. Nu valt hij sneller in slaap en wordt hij 's nachts minder vaak wakker 🙂. We zijn zo blij dat we eindelijk een slaapoplossing hebben gevonden die werkt voor onze kleine jongen. PS. Milas slaapt vaak op zijn buik en dat kan hij in de tas doen – ik vroeg me af of dit mogelijk was. Het gewicht is zeer flexibel.
  • Lisa + Milas 6 maanden
  • ★★★★★
    Ik heb de babydeepsleep inbakerdoek gekocht. En WAUW. Het was de perfecte kleine veilige plek voor mijn koliekachtige zoon. We hebben een natuurlijke draagdoek en de babydeepsleep inbakeren was een perfecte toevoeging. Overdag proberen om hem een dutje te laten doen is veel rustiger en in plaats van alleen powernaps te slapen, slaapt hij 2-3 uur. We zijn zo opgelucht 🙂
  • Marian + Victor 4 maanden.
  • ★★★★★
    We hebben positieve ervaringen met deze nieuwe vinding. Valdemar heeft altijd moeite gehad om 's nachts in slaap te vallen en hij wordt 's nachts vaak wakker. Het is duidelijk dat Valdemar meer ontspant als hij in de babydiepslaapzak stapt en ook sneller in slaap valt. Voor het eerst hebben we ervaren dat Valdemar 's nachts wakker werd, maar ZELF weer in slaap viel - het is nog nooit eerder gebeurd! De zak heeft duidelijk een kalmerend effect waardoor Valdemar veel beter slaapt. Het geld zeker waard! Bedankt voor dit broodnodige product 😉
  • Johanna + Valdemar 9 maanden
  • ★★★★★
    Ik zou de BABYDEEPSLEEP inbakerdoek willen aanbevelen aan iedereen met gevoelige baby's. Viggo werd erg onrustig geboren. We hebben gewone inbakerdoeken geprobeerd, maar hij kon er gemakkelijk uit wurmen. Ik hoorde over deze verzwaarde inbakerdoek, die als slaapzak kon worden gebruikt. Ik denk dat dit heel slim is. En het maakt het een betere investering. Ik maakte me zorgen over oververhitting van Viggo (SIDS), aangezien hij een erg "warme" baby is. Maar de inbakerdoek is perfect. Gemaakt van bamboe en de stof aan de achterkant heeft veel kleine "gaatjes" voor ventilatie. Viggo krijgt het nooit te warm in deze inbakerdoek en hij kan er niet uit kronkelen? We raden dit product aan aan iedereen met krampjes en onrustige pasgeborenen.
  • Karin + Viggo 3,5 maand
  • ★★★★★
    Maggie valt sneller en dieper in slaap en we hoeven haar niet elke nacht in slaap te wiegen. Ze valt gewoon vanzelf in slaap! Verder slaapt ze nu langer door in de ochtend. Vroeger werd ze om 5 uur wakker, nu slaapt ze vaak tot 6 uur. VERBAZINGWEKKEND!
  • Mari + Maggie 8 maanden
  • ★★★★★
    Ik was een beetje huiverig om het babydeepsleeppakje voor mijn zoon Thomas te kopen, omdat hij een heel warm kind is. Ik schreef de eigenaar van babydeepsleep en na een paar e-mails heen en weer waagde ik de sprong. Ik ben NIET teleurgesteld. Het gewicht in het pak lijkt perfect voor mijn zoon en het helpt hem duidelijk om meer te ontspannen en sneller in slaap te vallen en langer door te slapen. Ook zijn de dutjes overdag langer en wordt hij veel rustiger wakker. De bamboestof is absoluut GENIAAL. Ik ben echt dol op onze babydeepsleep bag. We zouden niet zonder kunnen leven.
  • Elsa + Thomas 18 maanden
  • ★★★★★
    We moesten een slaapoplossing vinden voor onze dochter Emily omdat ons gezin uit elkaar viel door slaapgebrek. En ik ben zo blij dat ik dat gedaan heb? De eerste paar nachten werden we steeds minder wakker. Het volledige effect kwam na ongeveer 14 dagen. Emily ging van 10 keer per nacht wakker worden naar 1-2 keer. Als ze wakker wordt, helpen we haar haar fopspeen en haar favoriete knuffel te pakken – EN dan valt ze vrijwel meteen weer in slaap! Voordat ze 's nachts 1-2 uur wakker kon zijn!!! We zaten daar gewoon en probeerden haar te kalmeren, zodat ze weer kon gaan slapen. Wat een verschil. Ik vind het fijn dat de stof zo zacht en rekbaar is. Emily kan gemakkelijk opstaan in haar bed en zich verplaatsen.
  • Hanna + Emily 15 maanden
  • ★★★★★
    We kochten het babydeepsleep-pakje voor William, omdat we wanhopig op zoek waren naar een manier om hem 's nachts beter te laten slapen. William raakt in de late namiddag gemakkelijk overprikkeld. Als we hem in bed leggen en voorlezen, is hij overal. Het duurt 1-2 uur voordat hij in slaap valt. In het pak is hij veel relaxter. Ik denk dat hij geniet van het gevoel van het gewicht op zijn borst en buik. Hij valt nu soms in slaap terwijl we zijn verhaaltje voor het slapen gaan lezen! Dit is nog nooit eerder gebeurd! Voordat hij wakker werd en onze aanwezigheid 3-7 keer per nacht eiste. Na een paar weken in het pak werd hij steeds minder wakker. En nu slaapt hij de hele nacht door. Ik ben zo dankbaar. Hij is een veel gelukkigere en evenwichtigere jongen. Ik vind de babydeepsleep-producten geweldig 🙂
  • Camille + William 3 jaar
Based on 41 reviews

Made it possible to put the baby down in the baby nest! Before baby could just sleep on me.

Good fabric, but…

… doesn‘t work with the Summer Heat. I Like the soft Touch of the Bamboo-Cotton-fabric, but the Pilling effect starts with the First cleaning. Nevertheless: it works perfectly and I appreciate the Good quality of the product.

Not sure yet

We have been using the deepsleep swaddle for ten days now with our 20 week old daughter.
Her sleep has improved somewhat from waking up every hour to waking up every two to three hours. We are still co-sleeping because she still can’t be put down even after she’s been asleep for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. We have made some other changes to our routine and sleeping arrangement so not sure if the improvement is due to this or the sleeping bag, or simply her own development (because we see progress in other areas as well)
We see no changes in her naps, she only contact naps. Whenever she’s out down, she will wake up immediately or after ten to twenty minutes.

We had extreme problems with our 3rd child's sleep. After 3 months, we were at our wit's end and tried just about everything. He never slept for more than 45 minutes at a time and not by himself. It improved with the weighted sleeping swaddle. Now he is 5 months old and sleeps well for several hours.

Our daughter is 17 months old and she has a regular wake-up schedule around 9 PM, 11 PM, 2 AM, 4 AM, and 5:30 AM, usually staying awake between 5:30 AM and 6:30 AM.
She frequently wakes up during the night, feeling upset, tossing and turning, and wanting to breastfeed. She gets upset if she doesn't get to breastfeed and prefers to sleep on us while we have to stand up and rock her back to sleep. She usually sleeps in my bed.
Nights have been challenging, and we were getting desperate. However, last night was our first experience with the weighted sleeping bag... 😱 😱
She woke up around 12 AM for the first time, climbed on me, and quickly fell back asleep. She woke up a few times after that but managed to soothe herself back to sleep. At 5 AM, I had to stand up and rock her, but she quickly fell back asleep. At 6:10 AM, there was a joyful wake-up call from our 1.5-year-old. She slept much more soundly and peacefully, and she managed to fall back asleep on her own, which she had never done before.
We noticed a significant improvement just on the first night. In fact, I don't feel utterly exhausted this morning and don't have that pressing need to take a nap during the day, which I usually do. I'm feeling enthusiastic about the upcoming nights and hoping to get a full night's sleep without interruptions, so I can regain some normalcy in my life. I can't imagine what we would have done if we hadn't found this weighted sleeping bag.
I just want to say... thank you!! ❤

About 4 months ago, we entered a nightmare period. Our little boy, who had been sleeping through the night and was generally happy, suddenly started waking up multiple times during the night, inconsolable. Initially, we attributed it to a cold, but even after he recovered, the night disturbances continued. About 2 months later, he was diagnosed with asthma, which seemed like a valid reason for his nighttime awakenings. However, despite responding well to asthma medication and having no issues during the daytime, the nights remained a pure ordeal. He would wake up incredibly anxious and screaming, and we often found ourselves staying up for hours trying to soothe him back to sleep. We tried everything and came across something called 'Night Terrors,' which seemed to describe his symptoms perfectly – an anxious nightmare from which he couldn't wake up, likely triggered by his illness.
I am a trained occupational therapist, and I understand the importance of sensory stimuli for many individuals. So, we began researching products related to weighted blankets/bags. That's when we discovered this sleeping bag.
We received it a week ago, and now, he puts it on when he has his nighttime bottle, creating a positive association. And I must say, it's been a tremendous success. He has slept for a full 11 hours every night for the past 7 nights. Our boy is now extremely happy and well-rested, and so are his parents

Our son used to wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to fall back asleep, sometimes staying awake for 2-3 hours. When we read a lot about weighted pajamas, we decided to give them a try. We noticed results almost immediately. He started falling asleep faster and sleeping more peacefully. Instead of having 2-4 wakeful nights a week, it reduced to just one. Now that he has moved in with his big sister, he sleeps through the entire night, and we still use the weighted pajamas because we're afraid to try without them.

We purchased the Baby Deepsleep for our son a couple of months ago. It worked very well in terms of his daytime naps, but it was challenging to determine if it helped at night since our son continued to wake up as frequently as before. Nevertheless, it's a nice product, and I can certainly recommend it to everyone I know to give it a try

When my daughter turned 4 months old, her sleep gradually started to deteriorate. By the time she was 7-8 months old, it had become so bad that going to bed seemed pointless. She would wake up crying 1-2 times every hour throughout the night, and sometimes even more frequently during the early hours of the night. It was absolute torture.
I was aware of weighted swaddle but had hesitated due to the price. However, after trying everything else without success, it was our last option. We've used it for the past 4 nights, and the results have been remarkable. For the first 2 nights, she slept for 7-8 hours straight, and for the last 2 nights, she slept for a whopping 10 hours (!!) before waking up for a bottle. It's been incredible, and it has truly been my salvation. I should have bought it several months ago. I can't recommend a weighted bag enough!

BABYDEEPSLEEP® Weighted Swaddle
Rebecca Renée Julin-Wallmoden

received the weighted swaddle for my daughter yesterday morning, who is now 2 months old. She has always been extremely restless when trying to sleep and experienced frequent awakenings during the night. Since using the weighted swaddle from yesterday, she has been sleeping more soundly, and it has been much easier to put her to sleep as her arms and legs don't swing around anymore. Hallelujah! 🙏

Our girl had colic for the first 2 months, and all her sleep was on us parents... 🤯 We couldn't get her to sleep on her own under any circumstances. The first few nights with the weighted swaddle were a bit challenging as it didn't wrap as tightly as she was used to. But then, something miraculous happened! We woke up one morning and were utterly amazed because she had slept for 11 hours straight. Initially, we thought it might be a one-time occurrence, but to our delight, she has been doing the same thing every night since! 🤩 It's been a month now, and we use the weighted swaddle every time she needs to sleep, whether it's in the sling, the stroller, or the crib. We're even considering getting an extra one because we can't do without it when it's being washed. 😅🙈 The weighted swaddle has truly been invaluable to us, and we wholeheartedly recommend it!

BABYDEEPSLEEP® Weighted Swaddle
Lisbeth Dahl Pedersen

Highly recommended if you have a child who refuses to sleep. My daughter, who was then 5 months old, simply wouldn't sleep. But once she got the weighted sleeping swaddle, she started sleeping right away. I could even stop using the stroller, and she would continue sleeping.
She went from only sleeping for 20 minutes while being held to using the weighted sleeping swaddle, and on the first day, she slept for 40 minutes in her stroller. The naps only got longer from there. Now, she's a happy and well-rested child! 🤩😍

Unfortunately, we haven't seen any positive effects from the weighted bag. My son seems completely unfazed and even laughs when we put it on him 🥳. Initially, I thought it might be working because he would fall asleep quickly, but it was probably just a coincidence on those days. I've been using it for 3 months now.

The weight bag has reduced my daughter's awakenings by over 50% and now she can sleep through at night! From approx. 8 Awakenings for 2 - 3! Thank you very much, Vibeke!

We purchased a weighted bag for our 13-month-old daughter, who hasn't had significant sleep issues. She used to wake up 3 times at night for breastfeeding. After using the weighted bag for 14 days, we've seen a noticeable improvement. She has at least halved the number of awakenings where she needs assistance to fall back asleep 🤪.
We also immediately noticed a slower respiratory rate, with deeper breaths.
We're very pleased with the customer service and the fast delivery to Norway.

Our baby becomes noticeably calmer as soon as we put on the sleeping bag.
I was recommended one for babies aged 8 months and older, with a minimum weight of 10 kg. However, it turned out to be too big for our child, so I am selling mine to buy a smaller one.

It did not work just for our child, but I know many who have been helped and got better sleep for both the child and the parents.

It works for us

It does No magic, but it helped my Little one to sleep deeper and is a Great help. Still our Baby wakes up several times a night but now it finds into sleep faster and easier.

Thank you for your review! We're happy to hear that our product has helped your baby sleep deeper. ❤️

Our son has been using the weighted bag with great success (!) since he was 13 months old. We regret not investing in one earlier because we've always had challenges with his sleep. When he turned 18-19 months, he had outgrown the first one, and we considered whether we should buy the next size called "Weighted Sleep Suit" I was skeptical because it leaves the feet free, and I was worried it might cause restlessness at bedtime. We called your company and received excellent and helpful guidance, which made us confident in purchasing the larger size.
Now, we've been using it for a few months, and it continues to work wonders for our son's sleep. We are still very satisfied customers! In the first few nights with the larger size, he seemed a bit more restless in his legs and feet than we were used to, so we used socks, which helped. But now, socks are no longer necessary, and he absolutely loves his suit.
It's a brilliant product that has greatly improved both our son's ability to fall asleep and his sleep quality. Even during the awakenings he used to struggle with when we first started using it around 13 months, we noticed that the suit seemed to calm him down as soon as we put him in it. He became more relaxed and settled.
I highly recommend the weighted bag or "Weighted Sleep Suit" to families with young children experiencing sleep difficulties. It's such a simple way to improve sleep! Thank you for your consistently excellent service

Milas is a sensitive baby and has always had a hard time falling asleep without being held, rocked, or close to me. It used to take between 1-2 hours to get him to sleep. He just didn't want to settle down, and his arms and legs would swing around. We couldn't believe it was true on the first night when we tried the weighted bag. His body became completely calm, and he fell asleep without any assistance within 10 minutes. It's been like that ever since. We are immensely grateful and highly recommend it to everyone. We've regained our evenings and have so much more peace. A fantastic invention!

I am so grateful for this product. Every pediatric nurse should be aware of it. My daughter hasn't slept through the night since she was 6 months old, waking up 15-20 times during the night. The doctor suspected ear issues, but an ear specialist found nothing wrong. We even tried reflexology, but it had no effect. The BVC nurse suggested it might be due to her rapid development. In the end, we decided to buy the weighted bag, and we wish we had done it sooner!
It took about 14 days for her to get used to it, but from one day to the next, she started sleeping through the night. Moreover, it now only takes 5 minutes to put her to sleep at night. We have regained all our energy, and we highly recommend the weighted swaddle to everyone.

BABYDEEPSLEEP® Weighted Sleep Sack/Bag
Christina Nørgaard Jensen

It's the best purchase we've ever made. We've been using the weighted bag since our daughter was 5 months old, and it has been a game-changer for her sleep. Our daughter has always had a strong need for security when it comes to sleeping. When she was a newborn, we swaddled her, but when she outgrew it, we discovered the weighted bag, and it worked wonders right from day 1.
If you have a child who requires a lot of comfort and security or who sleeps restlessly, we highly recommend trying this product. You'll only regret it if you don't give it a chance.

BABYDEEPSLEEP® Weighted Swaddle
Ida Dybdahl Mathiesen

We have been extremely happy with the weighted swaddle. Our daughter has never been a good sleeper, but when she turned 4 months old, she started waking up every 45 minutes and would only sleep during the day if I walked with her in the stroller. After three weeks of this, I was completely exhausted and asked my husband to take time off from work to help.
She would wake herself up at night by crawling around and would be upset because she was still tired. That's when we decided to order the weighted swaddle, and to our surprise, after only 2 days, she started sleeping for 3-4 hours at night!!! I can definitely recommend the weighted swaddle; it saved us and even helped with my milk production. My husband was initially skeptical because it's a bit expensive, but when you consider how much your sleep is worth, it's truly the best investment.

BABYDEEPSLEEP® Weighted Swaddle
Anne-Mette Walther Friis

Our daughter has never enjoyed being put down to sleep and always needed constant motion. This led to long walks just to help her fall asleep for a short while. Whenever I stopped the stroller, she would wake up immediately or sleep for a maximum of 20 minutes, refusing to sleep any longer. I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the weighted bag.
With the weighted bag, she started taking longer daytime naps, ranging from 1.5 to 3 hours! And when she was at home with the bag, I no longer had to go for walks with the stroller to get her to sleep. Now, she simply falls asleep when she's put down. Both she and I feel so refreshed by the much-needed breaks it provides.
Her mood has greatly improved since she's now well-rested after her naps. We are so pleased with the results :)

Wonderful sleeping bag for little ones who have trouble sleeping. It has made a tremendous difference in our daily life. It has truly helped our daughter, who used to only sleep for 30 minutes at a time during the day. Now she naps for 1.5 hours at a stretch. Additionally, she sleeps soundly for 12 hours straight at night without waking up at all. Before we had the weighted bag, she would wake up approximately every other hour. The weighted bag is undoubtedly worth its weight in gold.